Saturday, November 27, 2010

A quick note on Fiscal responsibility

This past year, Torontonians were serenaded with a cacophony of the same message.  Toronto's finances are a mess.  Four out of the five major candidates for mayor tripped all over themselves to tell us every chance they got how out of control Toronto's finances were.  The other candidate, the one who ought to know best, Joe Pantalone the deputy mayor ran on a platform of staying the course.  The city is going in the right direction, he said.  Unfortunately for Joe, and others who think the city was moving forward, the 4 candidate echo-chamber on the right set the tone for the entire election.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

You always seemed so sure, that one day we'd be fighting in a suburban war. Your part of town against mine.

A quick post while I work on a bigger one for later in the week.  Rob Ford has announced his committee chair selections as well as his deputy mayor.  His appointments are after the jump.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Let's abolish the exorbitant personal vehicle tax

“Toronto has a spending problem, not a revenue problem.”  Along with “blah blah blah Gravy Train.”  This was Rob Ford’s favourite saying during the 2010 Mayoral elections.  To open up the Gravy Station I will be focusing on Rob Ford’s various campaign promises and the feasibility and logic, or lack thereof, of each of them.